As we continue to unfold the cybersecurity issues regarding Question 1 on the upcoming ballot, we look to the experts to help reveal the truth. Assaf Harel, Chief Scientist & Co-Founder of Karamba Security, explains how Question 1 will expose sensitive personal information to unauthorized parties.

A few key points are copied below. Read the full text HERE.

“…we believe that opening OEMs’ telematics and wireless protocols and communication credentials to unauthorized repair shops in the state will enable hackers to exploit the open protocols to take over vehicles’ telematics units, and at the minimum fetch customer personal information, which is stored on the telematics unit (e.g. vehicle recent location and routes) and very easily access the infotainment unit, which usually share the same network as the telematics unit, in order to steal credit card information, payment history, phone calls history and contact information, which are usually stored on the infotainment unit.”

“Worse of all, using the communication credentials to the telematics and wireless unit, may enable hackers to  infiltrate the car, to access brakes and safety systems, for widespread attacks that can yield major fatalities  and collateral damage.”